Landry Ayres is senior producer at Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org. Since he began as assistant producer in 2019, he has produced Free Thoughts, Building Tomorrow, The Pursuit, Portraits of Liberty, and co-​hosted Pop & Locke. He also is the producer of the Cato Institute’s Power Problems and Unintended Consequences podcasts. Ayres’s work aims to promote innovative, optimistic, equitable, and just opportunities for human flourishing. He received his BA in communication with a concentration in media production and criticism, as well as his MA in health communication, from George Mason University. His work focused on notions of consent and sexual assault narratives, specifically taking place in large institutions, as well as the rhetoric of international Christian missionary organizations’ HIV/AIDS relief strategies. He has produced audio for Audible and SXSW, WNYC’s Radiolab, and the Mercatus Center.

Senior Producer
Media Name: landry.jpg