Featured Book
Aaron Ross Powell and Grant Babcock

Arguments for Liberty

A collection of nine original essays by top philosophers introducing the major moral theories and how they support a libertarian political system.

Latest Book
Mustafa Akyol

Why, As A Muslim, I Defend Liberty

With personal stories, historical anecdotes, theological insights, and a very accessible prose, this is the little big book on the intersection of Islam and liberty.

Brian Doherty
Modern Libertarianism

A history of the people and institutions that revived and championed the classical liberal tradition in America after the end of World War II.

John T. Dalton and Andrew J. Logan
Creative Destruction: An Introduction

A short book about economist Joseph Schumpeter’s concept of “creative destruction.”

Alan Burris
A Liberty Primer, 3rd Edition

A wide-​ranging introduction to the ideas of libertarianism.

Timothy Sandefur
Freedom’s Furies: How Isabel Paterson, Rose Wilder Lane, and Ayn Rand Found Liberty in an Age of Darkness

Freedom’s Furies tells the story of the friendships between three remarkable American novelists—Isabel Paterson, Rose Wilder Lane, and Ayn Rand—who strove to keep liberty alive in an age of darkness.

Mustafa Akyol
Why, As A Muslim, I Defend Liberty

With personal stories, historical anecdotes, theological insights, and a very accessible prose, this is the little big book on the intersection of Islam and liberty.

Alex Nowrasteh
The Most Common Arguments Against Immigration and Why They’re Wrong

Alex Nowrasteh makes compelling evidence-​based counter arguments to the most common objections to immigration.

Michael Douma
The Liberal Approach to the Past

The selections in this reader show that the liberal approach to the past is generally skeptical of laws of history and suggestions of historical determinism.

Steven Horwitz
Austrian Economics: An Introduction

This book explains the Austrian School’s insights on a wide range of economic topics and introduces some of its key thinkers.

Aaron Ross Powell and Paul Matzko
Visions of Liberty

Noted scholars and advocates of liberty offer inspiring visions of a more libertarian world.

Arnold Kling
The Three Languages of Politics

An inquiry into how we communicate issues and ideologies, and how language intended to persuade instead divides. The third version of this book is available now!

Christopher A. Preble
Peace, War, and Liberty: Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy

In its dealings with the broader world, has the United States been a force for liberty?

Anthony Comegna
Monopoly & King Mob

Who makes history happen after all? Was our world built by and for the powerful few, and if so, what can the rest of us do about it?

Walt Whitman and Anthony Comegna
Democratic Vistas

Ever the hopeful (if naive) optimist, Walt Whitman foretells the limitless potential of a liberated humanity.

John Ponet and Anthony Comegna
Short Treatise on Political Power

In the Reformation, Protestants repeatedly changed the world—including by arguing that kings were no longer sacred. To be of any use, they must serve the people.

Eamonn Butler
Ayn Rand: An Introduction

A short primer on the life and thought of novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead.

Anthony Comegna
Liberty and Power: A Reader

An anthology of writings on the eternal conflict between individual liberty and those who seek to control our lives.

Antony Davies
Understanding Statistics

This book is for someone who wants to learn how to interpret the results of statistical analyses.

William Godwin and Anthony Comegna
Lives of the Necromancers

This book discusses figures in history who claimed to have supernatural powers, and the political impacts of those claims.

George H. Smith
Critics of State Education: A Reader

Since at least the days of ancient Sparta, governments have sought to control the educational process.

George H. Smith
Self-​Interest and Social Order in Classical Liberalism

Intellectual surveys of Hume, Smith, Hobbes, Butler, Mandeville, and Hutcheson and their respective contributions to political philosophy.

George H. Smith
The American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence

A short history of America’s founding.

George H. Smith
Freethought and Freedom

A survey of the history of religious and intellectual liberty in Europe.

Howard Baetjer
Economics and Free Markets: An Introduction

A short guide to economics and the market economy.

Aaron Ross Powell and Grant Babcock
Arguments for Liberty

A collection of nine original essays by top philosophers introducing the major moral theories and how they support a libertarian political system.

Arnold Kling
Specialization and Trade: A Re-​introduction to Economics

A concise reexamination of economics, which shows how the economy is an evolutionary system, with constantly changing patterns of specialization and trade.

Jason Brennan
Political Philosophy: An Introduction

A short introduction to the basic ideas and principles of political philosophy.

Roy A. Childs, Jr.
Anarchism & Justice

A collection of Childs’s essays on the moral philosophy and the role of the state—including his late-​in-​life repudiation of anarchy.

George H. Smith
Individualism: A Reader

Features a wealth of essays from the 17th to the early 20th centuries. In 26 selections from 25 writers individualism is explained and defended.