In this essay, Richard Cobden argues that “that no foreign State has a right by force to interfere with the domestic concerns of another State.”

I SAY, IF you want to benefit nations who are struggling for their freedom, establish as one of the maxims of international law the principle of non-​intervention. If you want to give a guarantee for peace, and as I believe, the surest guarantee for progress and freedom, lay down this principle, and act on it, that no foreign State has a right by force to interfere with the domestic concerns of another State, even to confer a benefit on it, without its own consent.

Do you want to benefit the Hungarians and Italians? I think I know more of them than most people in this country. I sympathised with them during their manly struggle for freedom, and I have admired and respected them not less in their hour of adversity. I will tell you the sentiments of the leading men of the Hungarians…

These men say,-“We don’t ask you to help us, or to come to our assistance. Establish such a principle as shall provide we shall not be interfered with by others. “And what do the Italians say? They don’t want the English to interfere with them, or to help them. “Leave us to ourselves,” they say. “Establish the principle that we shall not be interfered with by foreigners.”

I will answer the hon. and learned Gentleman’s cheer. He seems to ask, how will you keep out of Austria from Italy, and Russia from Hungary? I will give him an illustration of what I mean. Does he remember when Kossuth took refuge in Turkey, and that Austria and the Emperor of Russia demanded him back? I beg him to understand that this illustrious refugee was not saved by any intervention of the Foreign Secretary. Has it not been admitted that the Emperor of Russia gave up his claim before the courier arrived from England? What was it, then, that liberated them? It was the universal outbreak of public opinion and public indignation in Western Europe. And why had public opinion this power? Because this demand for the extradition of political offenders was a violation of the law of nations, which declares that persons who have committed political offences on one state shall find a sanctuary in another, and ought not to be delivered up. If our Government were always to act upon this principle of non-​intervention, we should see the law of nations declaring itself as clearly against the invasion of a foreign country as it has spoken out against the extradition of political refugees. Let us begin, and set the example to other nations of this non-​intervention…