E41 -

Adam Thierer joins us for a discussion about evasive entrepreneurialism & permissionless innovation.

Paul Matzko
Tech & Innovation Editor

Will Duffield is a research assistant at Cato’s First Amendment Project.

Adam Thierer is a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He specializes in innovation, entrepreneurialism, Internet, and free-​speech issues, with a particular focus on the public policy concerns surrounding emerging technologies.

Tech companies are often accused of acting without first thinking through all the ramifications of what they’re doing on the principle that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Adam Thierer joins the show to talk about a good habit, something he calls evasive entrepreneurialism. If innovators always waited for regulatory approval first, it would delay consumer access to transformative and even life-​saving tech. Permissionless innovation in the relatively regulatory-​free internet sandbox of the 1990s-​2000s is what drove a great deal of tech innovation and wealth creation in Silicon Valley; the same could be true for other tech sectors in the future. Paul and Will also play a lightening round of “Overrated / Underrated” with Adam revealing a surprising love for malted beverages and the barter system.

Who are evasive entrepreneurs? Are there too many barriers to entry in the technology field? How does tech enable civil disobedience? What tech is ‘born free’? What is a regulatory risk? What is the pacing problem with technology? What is the precautionary principle? Should you intentionally diversify your twitter feed?

Further Reading:

Permissionless Innovation, written by Adam Thierer

Regulatory Hacking, written by Evan Burfield and J.D. Harrison

Evasive Entrepreneurs and Permissionless Innovation, Adam Thierer and Chad Reese

The Twenty-​Six Words that Created the Internet event at the Cato Institute on April 17, 2019