Vol. 5 No. 1

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859) burst upon the Atlantic intellectual scene in 1835 with the publication of the first volume of Democracy in America (the second volume followed in 1840). His comparative approach to the historical sciences has earned him the title of “the Montesquieu of the United States.” Tocqueville has been ranked with Jacob Burckhardt and Lord Acton among the historians who contributed to a broader understanding of historical processes. Wilhelm Dilthey, the great student of the historical-​cultural sciences, considered Tocqueville an “original historical thinker” who was “undoubtedly the most illustrious of all political analysts since Aristotle and Machiavelli.” Dilthey concluded: “another important example of the application of his analysis in the practical field lies in his recognition of the dangers of an exaggerated centralization, and in his insights into the blessings of self-​help and self-​government…”

Table of Contents


Editorial: Alexis de Tocqueville & French Liberalism

By Leonard P. Liggio

Alexis de Tocqueville: A Historical Appreciation

By John Lukacs

Levellers: Historical Continuity & Rights

By Literature of Liberty Reviewer

Scholastic Origins of Popular Resistance Theory

By Literature of Liberty Reviewer

Tom Paine, Bourgeois Radical Democrat

By Literature of Liberty Reviewer

Economic Peace vs. People’s Peace

By Literature of Liberty Reviewer