Vol. 8 No. 6
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The Libertarian Editorials

Night of Furty

  • Bringing on the Twinkies

    Opening Shots, by Bill Birmingham

    The Public Trough: The Democrats’ Double Standard on Spending, by Bruce Bartlett

    The Plumb Line: The Gas “Shortage,” by Murray N. Rothbard

    Government Intervention in Energy: Savior or Villain?, by David R. Henderson

    The Energy Crisis: Historical Roots, by D. T. Armentano

    The Politics of Nuclear Power, by David Cole

    Nuclear Power and the Free Market, by Patrick L. Lilly

    Nuclear Power and Nuclear Proliferation, by Milton Mueller

    Public Utilities: Legacy of Feudalism, by Michael Lipson

    The Case of The Progressive, by Marshall E. Schwartz

    The Prospect of Solar Power: California’s Energy Czar Speaks Out: An LR Interview

    Oil and American Foreign Policy, by Leonard P. Liggio

    Energy and American Foreign Policy, by Roy A. Childs, Jr.

    Books and the Arts

    Ralph Raico on George F. Will’s The Pusuit of Happiness

  • Joan Kennedy Taylor on H. L. Mencken’s In Defense of Women

  • David Hart on John Barnes’ Evita, First Lady

  • Jack Shafer on G. William Domhoff’s The Powers That Be

  • Michael Grossberg on Norman Spinrad’s Agents of Chaos

  • Tibor R. Machan on Mortimer Adler’s Aristotle for Everybody

  • David Brudnoy on Alien and other things that go bump in the night