Vol. 10 No. 7
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Opening Shots, By Bill Birmingham

Letter to LR

LR Editorials: Detabilizing America’s Allies

Political Eye: Big PAC Attacks, by Chris Hocker

Commerce Dept.: The Destruction of Poletown, by Sheldon Richman

The Protocols of the Learned Experts on Heroin, by Thomas Szasz

Made in Washington: The Auto Apocalypse, by Jack Shafer

Unions and Government Power, by Joan Kennedy Taylor

The Working Man’s Tax Revolt: An Interview with Dean Hazel

The Supreme Court as Child Abuser, by Peter R. Breggin, M.D.

Books and Arts

  • Gordon Brownell on Patrick Anderson’s High in America
  • Doug Bandow on Robert Hessen’s In Defense of the Corporation
  • David Brudnoy on cinematic quests
  • Jeff Riggenbach on the thriller