
Brook Manville is an independent consultant who writes about politics, democracy, and business. Previously a partner with McKinsey & Co., he has also held senior positions in media, technology, non-​profit management and executive development. In his earliest career he was an award-​winning teacher and professor of ancient history at Northwestern University. Brook is the author of several books and articles including The Origins of Athenian Citizenship (Princeton U. Press, 1990), and A Company of Citizens: What the World’s First Democracy Teaches Leaders About Creating Great Organizations (Harvard Business Press, co-​authored with Josiah Ober). His latest book, The Civic Bargain: How Democracy Survives (Princeton U. Press 2023, co-​author Josiah Ober) was named a “Best Book of 2023” by The New Yorker magazine. Brook currently publishes periodic essays on Substack, which further develop and extend ideas from his book of the same name.