
Arthur Diamond has graduate degrees in philosophy and in economics from the University of Chicago. His Openness to Creative Destruction: Sustaining Innovative Dynamism was published by the Oxford University Press on June 3, 2019. He has been on the faculty at The Ohio State University and is now Professor of Economics at the UNO College of Business Administration, where he has been a recipient of the UNO Award for Distinguished Research or Creative Activity and the UNO Department of Economics “Outstanding Economics Graduate Teacher” award. His past research has appeared in journals such as Science, Economic Inquiry, Econ Journal Watch, Prometheus, History of Political Economy, The Journal of Human Resources, Research Policy, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Reason Papers, The Independent Review, and The Review of Austrian Economics. His nonacademic writings include the script for “Frank Knight and the Chicago School,” and postings on art​di​a​mond​blog​.com. Among his recent published articles are: “The Epistemology of Entrepreneurship” and “Seeking the Patent Truth: Patents Can Provide Justice and Funding for Inventors.”
