Ed Clark is a lawyer and politician who ran for Governor of California in 1978 and, as the Libertarian Party candidate, for President of the United States in 1980.

A prolific author and Austrian economist, Murray Rothbard promoted a form of free market anarchism he called “anarcho-​capitalism.”

Bruce Daniel is a dentist from Loomis, California, and directed the Libertarian Party’s plan to reform the Social Security system and replace it with the “Freedom Individual Retirement Account.”

Ed Clark is a lawyer and politician who ran for Governor of California in 1978 and, as the Libertarian Party candidate, for President of the United States in 1980.

Murray Rothbard was a prolific author and Austrian economist who promoted a form of free market anarchism he called “anarcho-​capitalism.”

Bruce Daniel is a dentist from Loomis, California, and directed the Libertarian Party’s plan to reform the Social Security system and replace it with the “Freedom Individual Retirement Account.”

In this audio-​only recording Clark, Rothbard, and Daniel each describe the inherent problems the current Social Security system faces and propose reforms that would fix the system.