In this video, Rasmussen and Sirico speak on the relationship between rights, morality, the law, and political society

Douglas Rasmussen is a professor of philosophy at St. John’s University and co-​author (along with Douglas J. Den Uyl) of several books on ethics and political philosophy including Liberty and Nature: An Aristotelian Defense of Liberal Order (1991), Liberalism Defended: The Challenge of Post-​Modernity (1997), and Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-​Perfectionist Politics (2005).

Robert Sirico is an American Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.

Douglas Rasmussen is a professor of philosophy at St. John’s University and co-​author (along with Douglas J. Den Uyl) of several books on ethics and political philosophy.

Robert Sirico is an American Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.

In this video, Rasmussen and Sirico speak on the relationship between rights, morality, the law, and political society. Rasmussen stresses that legal systems must have normative bases which themselves are founded on a metanormative principle. Sirico offers short comments on Rasmussen’s lecture afterwards.