Tomasi gives his take on the balance between morality/​rights-​based libertarian advocacy and effectiveness/​utility-​based libertarian advocacy.

John Tomasi is a Professor of Political Science at Brown University and a guest contributor at the Bleeding Heart Libertarians blog. He is also the author of the book Free Market Fairness (2012), in which he argues that libertarians can and should care about issues of social justice.

John Tomasi is a Professor of Political Science at Brown University and a guest contributor at the Bleeding Heart Libertarians blog. He is also the author of the book Free Market Fairness (2012), in which he argues that libertarians can and should care about issues of social justice.

Give us YOUR take on the balance between morality/​rights-​based libertarian advocacy and effectiveness/​utility-​based libertarian advocacy in the comments below. Which method do you most often use to persuade others? Does it depend on your audience? Which do you find is more effective?

Video produced by Evan Banks.