Prof. Don Boudreaux responds to “The Truth About the Economy”, a recent video featuring former Labor Secretary Robert Reich. In the video, one of Reich’s key points is that most people’s wages have barely increased since 1980. However, when Reich’s numbers are examined in greater detail, his claim does not hold up. If you care about this issue, there are three things to consider:

1. How inflation is calculated
2. Benefits workers receive other than wages
3. The distinction between statistics and individuals

Adjusting for inflation, especially over long periods of time, is as much an art as it is a science. In an attempt to measure inflation, economists have developed several indexes. All of these indexes are considered legitimate, but all of them yield different results. In “The Truth About the Economy” video, Robert Reich uses the consumer price index (CPI) to calculate the average hourly wage, and he finds that wages haven’t risen much over the past 30 years. However, when using other methods of adjusting for inflation, which are no less respected, the average hourly wage rate rises as much at 18% over the same 30 year period.

Index differences aside, everyone agrees that all forms of compensation must be considered to accurately calculate worker’s compensation. This includes not only wages and salaries, but also benefits like health insurance, retirement benefits, vacation days, sick pay, and more. It’s worth noting that fringe benefits have become a larger share of income over the past 30 years. According to Don Boudreaux’s calculations, which include fringe benefits, average hourly wages have increased up to 26% over the past 30 years.

Lastly, and most importantly, Robert Reich confuses statistical categories with real people. When Reich says that, since 1980, most people’s wages have barely increased, he gives the impression that most people have enjoyed no economic gains over the past three decades. What he means is that, adjusting for inflation, average wages have not increased. The real flesh and blood people within these statistical categories have actually experienced increased compensation. Some workers are gaining skills, others are retiring, and others are joining the workforce for the first time. Especially noteworthy is the increasing rate at which women and immigrants have entered the workforce in the past 30 years.

To Boudreaux, Reich is right to claim that a strong economy needs a strong middle class. However, taxing the rich, as Reich suggests, is not the path to a strong middle class. The path to a strong economy and a strong middle class requires the hard work and great entrepreneurial ideas of individual people acting in a free market.

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