A small collection of works about F. A. Hayek to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his winning the Nobel Prize.

A photo of F.A. Hayek smoking a pipe outside

In the fifty years since F. A. Hayek was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences—announced on this day 50 years ago—much has been written and said about his work and its legacy. Hayek’s thought is subtle, wide-​ranging, and complex, so it is no surprise that different authors find different aspects of the Hayekian corpus interesting or inspiring. Here on Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org, we’ve published a wide variety of content about Hayek over the years. The pieces below were chosen to represent the variety of perspectives on Hayek even just within the libertarian tradition.

New on Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org This Week

Knowledge’s Limits and a Nobel Economist’s Humility by Samuel Gregg

The Liberty Exchange Season 2, Episode 8: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Hayek’s Nobel Prize: A Conversation with Don Boudreaux with Donald J. Boudreaux and Jonathan Fortier

From the Archives

The Worst on Top by Jim Powell

An Interview with F. A. Hayek (1984) with F. A. Hayek and James U. Blanchard III

Intellectuals and Libertarianism: F. A. Hayek by George H. Smith

Hayek on Customs, Laws, and Ethics by Grant Babcock