Haynes argues that there is no principled reason to deny people their natural rights on the basis of race, and that as such, slavery must be abolished.

Picture of Lemuel Haynes from the frontispiece of Sketches of the Life and Character of the Rev. Lemuel Haynes, A. M. (1837).

Lemuel Haynes spent his early life as an indentured servant, served in the Continental Army shortly after gaining his freedom, and spent most of his adult life in the pulpit—the first black man ordained as a minister in the United States. Haynes was the author of “Liberty Further Extended,” an argument for the abolition of slavery.

Editor’s Note

Paul Meany

Intellectual History Editor

Lemuel Haynes was the first black preacher ordained in North America. His views on religion and politics are more documented than those of any black American before the abolitionist movement of the 19th century. Born into indentured servitude, Haynes distinguished himself with a prodigious memory and aptitude for studying religious texts. Haynes would later become a spiritual leader to the majority white town of Rutland, Vermont.

Haynes’s indentured servitude ended when he reached the age of 21. His first act as a freeman was to join the Revolutionary Minutemen in 1774. For Haynes, the publication of the Declaration of Independence was an inspiring moment in his life. The promise of a new nation where all men are created free and equal inspired him to write “Liberty Further Extended,” an essay in which Haynes advocates for the abolition of slavery and indentured servitude.

For his epigraph, Haynes chose the most famous sentence of the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-​Evident, that all men are created Equal, that they are Endowed By their Creator with Ceartain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happyness.” These words formed the core of the political philosophy Haynes developed in the post-​Revolutionary era.

He argued that every human has the equal and undeniable right to liberty. For Haynes, “Liberty, & freedom, is an innate principle, which is unmovably placed in the human species.” Liberty is granted by God and is the natural right of humanity. Quoting the Bible, Haynes establishes that God created humans as one unified species, all under the same laws of nature and God. All people hold liberty dearly, and if it is endangered, resistance is expected and commanded by God as a natural consequence.

As the colonists were fighting for their liberty against the British Empire, Haynes reminded them, “while we are so zealous to maintain, and foster our own invaded rights, it cannot be thought impertinent for us candidly to reflect on our own conduct.” Despite their zeal for liberty, the American colonists were reluctant to acknowledge the plight of enslaved black Americans. But for Haynes, God has given each person an equal right to be free; he writes, “Therefore we may reasonably conclude, that Liberty is equally as precious to a Black man, as it is to a white one, and Bondage equally as intolerable to the one as it is to the other.”

Though many of the Founding Generation privately denounced slavery, few publicly advocated for its abolition—as is evidenced by the removal of the denunciation of slavery from the original draft of the Declaration of Independence. Haynes’s “Liberty Further Extended” can be seen as a thinker taking the principles of the Declaration of Independence to their logical conclusion: the abolition of slavery. Later in life, when observing the persistence of slavery, Haynes would write, “We are not to conclude that the fair tree of liberty hath reached its highest zenith.” Though many of the revolutionaries had a fervor for liberty, few matched Haynes’s commitment to liberty for both black and white Americans. For Haynes, liberty is a universal aspiration and natural right etched in the heart of humanity by God.

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Liberty Further Extended (Excerpt)

As tyranny had its origin from the infernal regions: so it is the duty, and honor of every son of freedom to repel her first motions. But while we are engaged in the important struggle, it cannot be thought impertinent for us to turn one eye into our own breast, for a little moment, and see, whether through some inadvertency, or a self-​contracted spirit, we do not find the monster lurking in our own bosom; that now while we are inspired with so noble a spirit and becoming zeal, we may be disposed to tear her from us. If the following would produce such an effect the author should rejoice.

It is evident, by ocular demonstration, that man by his depravity, hath procured many corrupt habits which are detrimental to society; and although there is a way prescribed whereby man may be reinstated into the favour of God, yet these corrupt habits are not extirpated, nor can the subject of renovation boast of perfection, ’till he leaps into a state of immortal existence. Yet it hath pleased the Majesty of Heaven to exhibit his will to men, and endow them with an intellect which is susceptible of speculation; yet, as I observed before, man, in consequence of the Fall is liable to digressions. But to proceed,

Liberty, & freedom, is an innate principle, which is unmovably placed in the human species; and to see a man aspire after it, is not enigmatical, seeing he acts no ways incompatible with his own nature; consequently, he that would infringe upon a man’s liberty may reasonably expect to meet with opposition, seeing the defendant cannot comply to non-​resistance, unless he counteracts the very laws of nature.

Liberty is a jewel which was handed down to man from the cabinet of Heaven, and is coeval with his existence. And as it proceeds from the Supreme Legislature of the universe, so it is He which hath a sole right to take away; therefore, he that would take away a mans Liberty assumes a prerogative that belongs to another, and acts out of his own domain.

One man may boast a superiority above another in point of Natural privilege; yet if he can produce no convincive arguments in vindication of this preeminence his hypothesis is to be suspected. To affirm, that an Englishman has a right to his Liberty, is a truth which has been so clearly evinced, especially of late, that to spend time in illustrating this, would be but superfluous tautology. But I query, whether Liberty is so contracted a principle as to be confined to any nation under Heaven; nay, I think it not hyperbolical to affirm, that even an African, has equally as good a right to his Liberty in common with Englishmen.

I know that those that are concerned in the Slave-​trade, do pretend to bring arguments in vindication of their practice; yet if we give them a candid examination, we shall find them (even those of the most cogent kind) to be essentially deficient. We live in a day wherein Liberty & freedom is the subject of many millions’ concern; and the important struggle hath already caused great effusion of blood; men seem to manifest the most sanguine resolution not to let their natural rights go without their lives go with them; a resolution, one would think every one that has the least love to his country, or future posterity, would fully confide in, yet while we are so zealous to maintain, and foster our own invaded rights, it cannot be thought impertinent for us candidly to reflect on our own conduct, and I doubt not but that we shall find that subsisting in the midst of us, that may with propriety be styled Oppression, nay, much greater oppression, than that which Englishmen seem so much to spurn at. I mean an oppression which they, themselves, impose upon others.

It is not my business to enquire into every particular practice, that is practiced in this land, that may come under this odious character; but, that I have in view, is humbly to offer some free thoughts, on the practice ? Slave-​keeping. Oppression, is not spoken of, nor ranked in the sacred oracles, among the least of those sins, that are the procuring cause of those signal judgments, which God is pleased to bring upon the children of men. Therefore let us attend. I mean to write with freedom, yet with the greatest submission.

And the main proposition, which I intend for some brief illustration is this, namely, that an African, or, in other terms, that a Negro may justly challenge, and has an undeniable right to his Liberty. Consequently, the practice of Slave-​keeping, which so much abounds in this land is illicit.

Every privilege that mankind enjoy have their origin from God; and whatever acts are passed in any earthly court, which are derogatory to those Edicts that are passed in the Court of Heaven, the act is void. If I have a particular privilege granted to me by God, and the act is not revoked nor the power that granted the benefit vacated, (as it is impossible but that God should ever remain immutable) then he that would infringe upon my Benefit, assumes an unreasonable, and tyrannic power.

“It hath pleased God to make of one Blood all nations of men, for to dwell upon the face of the Earth.” Acts 17, 26–23. And as all are of one species, so there are the same laws, and aspiring principles placed in all nations; and the effect that these laws will produce, are similar to each other. Consequently we may suppose, that what is precious to one man, is precious to another, and what is irksome, or intolerable to one man, is so to another, considered in a law of nature. Therefore we may reasonably conclude, that Liberty is equally as precious to a Black man, as it is to a white one, and Bondage equally as intolerable to the one as it is to the other: Seeing it effects the laws of nature equally as much in the one as it does in the other. But, as I observed before, those privileges that are granted to us by the Divine Being, no one has the least right to take them from us without our consent; and there is not the least precept, or practice, in the sacred scriptures, that constitutes a Black man a Slave, any more than a white one.

Shall a mans color be the decisive criterion whereby to judge of his natural right? Or because a man is not of the same color with his neighbour, shall he be deprived of those things that distinguisheth him from the beasts of the field?

I would ask, whence is it that an Englishman is so far distinguished from an African in point of natural privilege? Did he receive it in his original constitution? or by some subsequent grant? Or does he boast of some higher descent that gives him this pre-​eminence? For my part I can find no such revelation. It is a lamentable consequence of the Fall, that mankind have an insatiable thirst after superiority one over another: So that however common or prevalent the practice may be, it does not amount, even to a circumstance, that the practice is warrantable.

God has been pleased to distinguish some men from others, as to natural abilities, but not as to natural right, as they came out of his hands.

But sometimes men by their flagitious practice forfeit their Liberty into the hands of men, by becoming unfit for society; But have the Africans ever as a Nation, forfeited their Liberty in this manner? Whatever individuals have done; yet, I believe, no such challenge can be made upon them, as a body. As there should be some rule whereby to govern the conduct of men; so it is the Deity, and interest of a community, to form a system of Law, that is calculated to promote the commercial interest of each other: and so long as it produces so blessed an effect, it should be maintained. But when, instead of contributing to the well being of the community, it proves baneful to its subjects over whom it extends, then it is high time to call it in question.

Should any ask, where shall we find any system of Law whereby to regulate our moral conduct? I think there is none so explicit and indefinite, as that which was given by the Blessed Saviour of the world. As you would that men should do unto you, do you even so to them. One would think, that the mention of the precept, would strike conviction to the heart of these Slave-​traders; unless an avaricious disposition, governs the Laws of humanity.

If we strictly adhere to the rule, we shall not impose anything upon others, but what we should be willing should be imposed upon us were we in their condition.